Its been a busy first 6 months in 2009. So its time to play quick catch up here. Been to quite a few events one of the best was the GLSEN Annual Gala dinner held at the Gotham Center.

Wells Fargo is a proud suppporter of this national agency and has been supporting it for the last few years. In attendance were a number of prominent members of the Wells/Wachovia family and all said presente to support the agency. Jill Biden, the Vice President's wife made the opening remarks and she highlighted the need for additional education and support necessary for the youth in the GBLT community. Edie Falco was the guest star. She was stunning as always and looked like the character she is now known for, Nurse Jackie. Edie too made comments in support for the community and received an resounding round of applause.

It was an event that I certainly enjoyed attending and look forward to supporting in the future. For additional information, look up http://www.glsen.org/