So there is a tremendous amount of energy in the air today in New York City. I could not cast my vote this morning because there was so much disorganization and long lines... So I went to my office and as I walked through Election Plaza (aka Rockefeller Center) I was again inspired to try it again. So I am sharing with you the pictures I took around the area and you can appreciate the environment.
As you can see, Rockefeller Center put the electorate map under the ice and will color the states blue or red according to the returns. It is amazing what they will do with technology! Also in full view was a wave of American Flags blowing in the wind so graciously, making anyone watching them proud to be an American exercising this precious right.
Finally what election would not be complete with mascots. It was great seeing foreigners having their pic taken with the Democratic Donkey and Republican Elephant. Its like a worldwide celebration that end of the Bush era is finally here! For the record, I went to vote in the afternoon and i cast my vote. Afterwards I went to Rockefeller Center with my friend Ron Andujar after dinner with friends and we were part of an exciting, moving crowd that celebrated this great occasion as it happened. It was awesome to be part of this historic event. The best part of this all is that you knew you were sharing it with the world because there were people from so many nationalites all over there sharing this with us--truly awesome! Hope you enjoy the pics.
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