So we all have our challenges in the work place--both good and not so good. Some of us work in an environment where the rules are rules and you have to abide by them. What is good for goose is good for the gander. Some of us work in a relaxed environment where camaraderie is the law of the land. You work together with a common goal and cover each other's backs. Still, others work where there are no rules and everyone is for themselves. Kind of like Wall Street where everyone is for himself and his bonus... All environments are OK as long as you know that this is the culture of the workplace. What sucks is when your colleagues preach and predicate that RULES MUST BE FOLLOWED or push for you to be a team player. "You can't do this because it's not policy and procedure". Or better yet, "This can't be done because it does not fit our guidelines." Love that one. Finally there is the inevitable "I need for you to cover for me at this meeting". Or best of all, "Can you respond for the both of us?"
Of course you want to set the example, so you do what you have to do for the team... But when its their turn, they turn around and do the opposite because its to their benefit. Workplace hypocrisy, if you ask me. So you are faced with this nonsense and it becomes disheartening and you don't want to deal those you once respected nor with the issues involved. But you deal with it. The point is this. If you can beat them, join the mother fletchers... and you will see how they will feel when the shoe is on the other foot!
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